Data you can trust

Our clients are assured the highest quality and rigorously scrutinised data.


As data providers, the provenance and legitimacy of our information is of utmost importance to us.

The Ark has been independently assessed by both the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) and Data & Marketing Association (DMA)

Data compliance is no longer an option, it is a legal requirement. All our clients are assured the highest quality and rigorously scrutinised data.

There has never been a more important time to get data quality right. The GDPR’s requirements regarding data accuracy are very clear. Please see the ICO Guide to UK GDPR for more information.


Case Studies

The Ark offers unrivalled data solutions, advanced matching software, and leading suppression and identification products. The following case studies demonstrate the significant impact our services have had on our clients data intitiatives.


Here you can read our latest company news, our thoughts on the world of data and advice regarding the data challenges facing large organisations today. 

Is Your Data Ready For AI?

Is Your Data Ready For AI?

A 2025 survey of data, BI and analytics trends across 1,795 business technology leaders has been released, and whilst there are some surprises in the placement of some of the trending topics, the top four are wholly what you’d expect given the emergence of AI over the...